Sunday, May 10, 2009

Level of the Stuff in the Glass

This weekend has made me grateful for many of the things that I have and don't have in my personal life.  I just simply can't wait to get home tomorrow after a long day of traveling so I can finally become a part of the pulse of New York again.  Location is a strange thing that completely changes your view of the world from the moment you arrive or depart.  I'm anxious to get back to 2 of the places where my glass always seems more than half full: NYC and...NC.  Yep, I said it.  In hindsight I'm so very grateful for my time living in NC.  If I hadn't moved there, I would never ever had ended up where I am in my life: a place that, so far, I am loving.  Everything happens for a reason, right?

It takes a mature and strong person to give their loved ones a break now and then.  But when do we know the right time to tell them they're wrong?  Just a thought to ponder for myself...

My roommate comes to frolic with me in the Big Apple a week from today and I couldn't be more excited to have a great excuse to become a tourist in the city again :)  No matter how much time I spend there, it never seems enough and though I advertise hating the tourists in Times Square who walk like sloths, stop right in front of you in the middle of the sidewalk and hit you with their backpacks, I am still one at heart.  (But seriously, they could move to the *side* of the sidewalk...please!)

Well, I can't seem to think of much else to ramble about at the moment, which is a bit unusual.  Must be my location.

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